Agile – A Way Of Thinking

What is Agile?

Agile is a philosophy put together in 2001 by 17 authors, the Scrum Alliance, and it is based on twelve principles and 4 core values, all stated in the Agile Manifesto. 

This manifesto was later translated into numerous languages all over the world. The Agile set of values and principles has been broadly adopted by organizations and teams in need of more responsiveness to user needs and market changes.

Safi IT is one of the very early adopters of Agile methodologies in Romania. The main reason behind this decision was the typology of our customers, such as start-ups, small companies, companies that are about to build a prototype or a new product. This type of customer has a great need for flexibility, in terms of both budget and timeline.

In general, Agile methodologies turned out to be more easily embraced by smaller or medium-sized companies in the software developing industry. This is because Agile is all about moving quickly, being flexible, anticipating change, continuous improvement, transparency, trust and openness through the whole team. 

Driven by a business landscape that is continuously changing, our clients needed the maneuverability and speed that an Agile software development team can offer, as an alternative to the traditional approaches.


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